Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Nazi Nonsense: Part 2

The art of convincing someone who lives in close proximity with you that you’re a secret Nazi, needs to be like fine wine being made. It takes time. We decided to start off with subtle comments. Ones that perhaps she won’t even notice at first, but will make her retrace them in her mind as signs she missed. She’ll probably delve back further to things that were completely non related to this project and see them as missed signs.

While working out this plan, we already had a few things that worked in our favour. Were in possession of an old photo of JP with a shaved head. Of course this was just another one of this bad fashion errors, like this first tattoo (sorry!) but it obviously works in our favour that he has a photo of “those dark days."

Another is that Carol has never seen American History X. While most people have, for her it will be a first, which means she will have a fresh reaction when she sees it, and a discussion we will no doubt engage her in. I will start adding dates, times and pictures if available to this, but for now, the timing isn’t exact so lets say were going back to about two weeks ago.

Indication one: JP is sitting watching TV. And of course what is on but American History X. This was the same say we decided upon this plan, and it seemed liked a sign that it must go fourth. So as Carols leaving the house, she asks what he’s watching. He tells her, to which she says she has yet to see this movie. He then suggests they should watch it together some night. He casually throws in “it reminds me of a very hard time in my life” now carol may not have seen the movie, but I’m sure she knows damn well the basis of it is Nazi gangs. As expected, this is the first indication and she doesn’t seem to think much of it.

Indication 2: Carol, like most people, has some gay friends. So do I, and so does JP. However I don’t think she knows about his friend, as I don’t think he’s visited the house as of yet, which works in our favour. Now the 3 of us have been drinking on a few occasions with both her and my gay friends, and all had a good night. Now, JP has started subtlety dropping comments when the opportunity arises, that seem anti-gay. The first was when carol invited him for drinks at her gay friends house. He asked who would be there, and she went, me, him and his boyfriend. JP then pulls a face of distaste at this and says “no, that just doesn’t seem like my kind buzz” Carol notices this, and makes a face of her own. And slowly we start to plant the seed.

Indication 3: 25/1/2012

So three of us sitting in the apartment and something come up about JPS tattoo. He recently bought a tattoo voucher as the one he has now is not completely finished. This also is good for us, as it brings up the subject for it. Me and JP are having food and while Carol is wandering about and in earshot (the place is tiny and every conversation came be heard in the shared area) I ask JP while talking to him about the tattoo “so what was the old one anyway?” the then proceeds to say I told you Rita I can’t tell you that. Carol then joins the conversation and me and her proceed to probe him for information about the old tattoo. He then starts to say, he has lost all his friends bar one over this tattoo. (It greatly helps that his friend is particular, while a lovely guy is quite morally bankrupt) me and carol then start to say we don’t see anything that could be so bad that we would fall out with him or dislike him. He smartly says, it’s what the tattoo represented, and it’s about the person he was at the time which he’s not proud of. Carol then jokingly says “maybe if it was something like I love raping people, I can see why” i had to stifle a laugh at this. If she thinks that’s bad, then she probably won’t react well to what were planning it to be. We continue to rib him a bit about this, but the conversation goes no further. Carol is probably now wondering what was so bad on him, that he can’t even tell me, and lost him friends. J

Future plans will be documented, and I would be open to gathering suggestions also. We will definitely let her stumble across some Nazi related items. The dryer is situated in his room that she uses, which gives us the perfect opportunity to allow her to stumble across something accidently, while it’s in his private space. More to come.

Nazi Nonsense

In attempt to generally have some fun at the expense of someone else, me and a friend decided to freak the fuck out of his housemate and have her believe he’s a crazy ex-nazi. Sure why wouldn’t you?

So let me set the scene, my friend JP lives in a very nice, yet very small apartment, and after his friend had to move out, he needed someone to move in. And of course went to the internet in a quick attempt to find a replacement. And he did, a girl named Carol, who lives there currently with him. I’m sure due to the circumstances he was a little concerned that perhaps he would end up living with some nut, or a bitch. But Carols actually really nice. She however, might start to question the decision to find a random guy on the net to live with when she slowly starts to unveil his secret violent Nazi past. That’s what happens when you find people online, they could be rapists or Nazis. Unlucky, Carol.

I’m sure the question would come to mind, why are we randomly gonna freak out this all round sound girl, whose never been anything but nice to us? Well maybe were bored, maybe were a just assholes, but in fairness, it has great potentional to be funny, and let’s hope when it’s all over, she’ll eventually talk to us again, from her no doubt boarded up bedroom. (also this blog will probably do good as insurance, to prove to her at some point, that this was all a joke, when she’s scared to go the bathroom in case he beats her to death)

So this idea all came about because of a tattoo JP has. He has a half sleeve down on his arm, and has made no secret of the fact that’s its there to cover up and old, shameful past secret. In fact it was just an incredibly bad tattoo from his youth, both hilarious in artistic style and meaning. I’m not allowed to discuss it, but when he relents and lets me, it will be another blog in itself complete with pictures. He never really tells people what the old tattoo was, mainly because it’s a general embarrassment, and he was an idiot to get it done in the first place. So carol casually asks one day what the old tattoo was, and he immediately makes it clear he’s not going to tell her. Understandably this sparks her curiosity and she asks a few more times, to which he repeatedly says no.

While telling me this one day, I suggested he should tell her it was something mad, just for a laugh. The reason I even suggested this, is cause he has a knack of telling completely outrageous and fabricated stories and just running with them, and he actually comes across fairly credible. I don’t know how we came to this, but while throwing around ideas we decided it would be funny to pretend the old tattoo was a swastika or some form of Nazi pride. Of course, they have lived together for a while now, so he wouldn’t outright say this to her. We decided we would slowly build up a foundation, dropping hints and suggestions to entice her to believe he has some sort of shady past with Nazis. By the end of it, she’s going to think he was a full on violent member of Nazi gang, who’s trying to reform his ways. Were trying to incorporate some kind ofsub plot to tie in myself. I’m going to feign no knowledge of this either, and when she finally knows the “truth” he’s going to tell her a story in which I was affected in my life by some kind of hate crime (the details of this have yet to worked out) and how she must never tell me, least I leave his life forever. We’ll see if she does. We decided to document this whole procedure, in order to see in writing how it builds up to her crying herself at sleep at night, knowing there’s only a wall separating her and an angry Nazi. More blog's to follow read on the see the first instalment for what will now be known as: The Nazi project.